Monday, October 8, 2007

#8 RSS and Newsreaders

Well, i'll be. In the old days RS stood for something not quite complimentary and Newsreaders were the suited up bods who delivered the world's happenings every night at 6pm.
Where will this adventure end?
I'm taking off to links to astounding webpages with little links that tell me I can RSS them - and they'll automatically feed me!!!!
Trawling through all these links and web pages and blogs - I am constantly amazed at the depth of commitment and love these folk have for their industry. These are not people who go to work, check out books and go home.
How about these folk, the unshelved mob - daily posts, competitions - merchandise!!!! A "Library Raider Hat" that glows in the dark!!! Gotta get me one of them - though I find being at work in the daylight scary enough, let alone by night.
And they won a competition for reading aloud for 106 hours. They obviously weren't reading to my storytime mums.
Seriously though, this is a great tool - particulary I feel for those regularly accessing the web and many varied websites in their line of work, study or general interests. I will be happy to pass this info onto others.

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